From: [mailto:xxx] Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2018 7:25 AM To: Ondřej Šimek Subject: Re: celoroční objednávka a prosba o potvrzení Dobrý den, Potvrzuji přijetí Vaší objednávky MTZ-180005 a beru ji na vědomí. Děkujeme a přejeme hezký den. Objednávkové oddělení Atotech CZ, a.s. člen korporátní společnosti Tel.: xxx FAX: xxx E-mail: xxx Web: I Xing: I LinkedIn: Atotech CZ, a.s. Registered Office: Belgicka 5119, Jablonec nad Nisou, 466 05, Czech Republic Company registered in Commercial register in county courthouse in Ústí nad Labem section B, insertion 1014, document countermark F14770/97 ID No: 254 043 85 Managing Director: Jaroslaw Rozwadowski This email and any attachments hereto are business documents of Atotech CZ, a.s. and Atotech SK, s.r.o. and may contain CONFIDENTIAL OR PROPRIETARY BUSINESS INFORMATION. Unauthorized disclosure and/or use of information contained in this e-mail are prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, you should dispose of it and not use, disseminate or copy this message or any other files transmitted with it.