Od: CZPRA Objednavky [objednavky@takeda.com] Odesláno: pondělí 16. března 2020 15:40 Komu: xxxxxxxxxxxx Předmět: RE: objednavka Dobrý den, potvrzuji přijetí Vaší objednávky v hodnotě 53999,52Kč, kterou tímto plně akceptujeme, děkujeme. Zboží dodáme ve středu 18.3.2020. S pozdravem/ Kind regards xxxxxxxxxx Customer service Takeda Pharmaceuticals Czech Republic s.r.o. Škrétova 490/12, 120 00 Praha 2, Czech Republic Office: Národní 135/14, 110 00 Praha 1 Office: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Mobile: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx objednavky@takeda.com From: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Sent: pondělí 16. března 2020 15:23 To: CZPRA Objednavky Subject: objednavka Importance: High Be advised that this email came from outside Takeda / ??????????????????? Dobrý den, objednáváme Flexbumin 100ml xxxxx Děkuji, Hančlová Lékárna, Nemocnice Litoměřice, a.s. zák.č.: The content of this email and of any files transmitted may contain confidential, proprietary or legally privileged information and is intended solely for the use of the person/s or entity/ies to whom it is addressed. If you have received this email in error you have no permission whatsoever to use, copy, disclose or forward all or any of its contents. Please immediately notify the sender and thereafter delete this email and any attachments.